Couples Therapy

in Berlin

Miriam Futterlieb lehnt an einer Wand in Berlin

Having trou­ble in your relationship?

Let’s work on that!

Miriam Futterlieb lehnt an einer Wand in Berlin

Many couples experience the following:


  • Recur­rent argu­ments and fights
  • Taboo topics and silence
  • Chal­lenges with inti­ma­cy and/​or sexuality
  • Chal­lenges with the balan­ce of clo­sen­ess and autonomy
  • Chal­len­ging life events
  • Jea­lou­sy
  • Trust issues
  • Ali­en­ati­on
  • Dis­apoint­ments
  • Affairs
  • Thin­king about sepa­ra­ting /​ divorce

Your jour­ney to a bet­ter and more ful­fil­ling rela­ti­onship starts here

In couples therapy I can help you to

  • under­stand the dyna­mic behind your ongo­ing conflicts
  • under­stand what you need to bet­ter reconcile
  • find ways tail­o­red to you and your situa­ti­on to dis­cuss dif­fi­cult issues constructively
  • regain trust
  • rebuild your con­nec­tion and find inner peace


How much does it cost?

Rela­ti­onship Deep Dive

6 sessions in 8 weeks

780,00 €

(4x 80-min cou­ples ses­si­ons and 2x50-min sin­gle sessions)


W1: Couple – Improving communication


W2: Couple – your relationship dynamic


W4: Individual – My needs & desires


W6: Couple – Improving emotional intimacy


W8: couple – next steps for building our future

Hi, I’m Miriam

Miriam Futterlieb sitzt auf einer Treppe und lächelt in die Kamera

Foto: @philinebach

Though I’m not a nati­ve Eng­lish spea­k­er, I have work­ed in seve­ral inter­na­tio­nal pro­jects with Eng­lish as the work lan­guage, so I’m flu­ent in English.

I have been working as a cou­ples’ the­ra­pist, rela­ti­onship coach and in inter­na­tio­nal con­flict trans­for­ma­ti­on and recon­ci­lia­ti­on work for over 20 years. To this end, I con­ti­nuous­ly train in various psy­cho­the­ra­peu­tic methods. The­se are the most important ones:


  • Sys­te­mic Cou­ples Therapy
  • Trans­for­ma­ti­ve Body Psychotherapy
  • Sys­te­mic Fami­ly Therapy
  • Trau­ma infor­med Counselling
  • Inter­cul­tu­ral Sys­te­mic Psychotherapy

Frequently Asked Questions

Free Zoom Call

The 30 minu­te Zoom Call is free of charge.

The pur­po­se is for you to get to know me and my way of working and for me to learn about your indi­vi­du­al situa­ti­on and the issues you would like to work on. After­ward, you are free to deci­de whe­ther you would like to work with me or not.

Cost and Payment

Rela­ti­onship Deep Dive: 8 weeks for 780,- €



Two pay­ments of 390,- €.

I will send you the first invoice by e‑mail after the first ses­si­on and the second one 4 weeks later. Plea­se trans­fer the amount to my bank account, sta­ting the invoice number.

Important to know:

In Ger­ma­ny, the cos­ts of cou­ples the­ra­py are gene­ral­ly not cover­ed by health insu­rance or sup­ple­men­ta­ry insurance.

What if we want to book further sessions?

Of cour­se you can book fur­ther ses­si­ons to con­ti­nue working with me.

The num­ber and fre­quen­cy of fur­ther ses­si­ons can be deter­mi­ned individually.

The fee for each addi­tio­nal 80-minu­te ses­si­on is €160,-

It is up to you whe­ther you would like to con­ti­nue cou­ples the­ra­py after the first eight weeks and for how long. In my expe­ri­ence, the lon­ger the dif­fi­cul­ties in the rela­ti­onship have exis­ted, the more time it will take to over­co­me them.

Cancellation of appointments

Plea­se can­cel appoint­ments as ear­ly as possible.

Can­cel­la­ti­ons less than 24 hours befo­re the appoint­ment will incur a 50% can­cel­la­ti­on fee.

How to get here:

Three chairs in Praxis Miriam Futterlieb, Fidicinstr. 8, 10965 Berlin

Paar­the­ra­pie Miri­am Futterlieb

Fidi­cin­str. 8

10965 Ber­lin – Kreuzberg

    • U Bhf Platz der Luft­brü­cke (U6)
    • U Bhf Meh­ring­damm (U6, U7)
    Three chairs in Praxis Miriam Futterlieb, Fidicinstr. 8, 10965 Berlin